NJLEND Cohort Leadership Project Posters (2023 - 2024)

All NJLEND and Boggs Center Interdisciplinary Trainees are required to complete a Leadership Project either independently or in inter-professional pairs or teams. The purpose of the project is to provide an opportunity for fellows to apply their knowledge and training to the development of a resource, implementation of a program, or conduct of research that benefits the larger MCH community. At the end of NJLEND year, all Trainees give a poster presentation, sharing their project findings and implications.


NJLEND Cohort Leadership Project Posters (2023 - 2024)


Disability and The Undocumented Experience

Disability and The Undocumented Experience

Bassirou Sheykhou Drame, MSW, NJLEND Social Work Fellow 2023-2024

Employment Training Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities

Employment Training Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities

Cheryl Fields, DO, MBA, MS-Nutrition, LEND Fellow, Child Neurologist Children’s Specialized Hospital

My Sweet Sibling and I - A Capstone Project

My Sweet Sibling and I - A Capstone Project

Chloe Koeppen, MS, GC, NJLEND Genetic Counseling Fellow 2023-2024