The Boggs Center Interdisciplinary Traineeship is a flexible, individualized learning opportunity available to students enrolled in a degree-granting program at any institution of higher education in New Jersey. The traineeship can be tailored to fit internship or field requirements from academic programs and can be scheduled for a minimum of 40 to over 300 hours across a semester or academic year. No academic credits are available for participation in the traineeship. Stipends might be available, depending on funding.
NJLEND is a specific Traineeship experience at The Boggs Center open to graduate students, family members, practicing professionals, and individuals with disabilities who are interested health and health policy for children and adults with autism and related disabilities and their families. NJLEND is a structured, year-long training experience that includes a weekly didactic seminar held on Fridays from 9am – 3pm. On a case-by-case basis, LEND trainees might receive academic credit – or fulfill other requirements of their academic program through participation. LEND trainees receive stipends upon successful completion of programmatic requirements.