Tara Dumas, MS

Tara Dumas Portrait

Tara Dumas is a Training and Consultation Specialist at The Boggs Center. She provides training and technical assistance to schools involved in the NJ Positive Behavior Support in Schools project, a partnership between the New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Special Education and The Boggs Center.

Tara has many years experience, working in the public school system as a behavioral counselor and assisting special needs students with their educational and social development.

Tara Dumas holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia, and an Master of Science degree in School Counseling from Capella University in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Tara holds a New Jersey K-12 School Counseling certification. She is also a National Certified Counselor. Prior to working in education, Tara was a behaviorist for adults with developmental disabilities developing and implementing treatment plans to address behavioral issues.

Phone: 732-357-5424
Email: tara.dumas@rutgers.edu