Sean Cuddihy, BA

Sean Cuddihy Portrait

Sean Cuddihy is a Multimedia Specialist for The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities. In this role, Sean develops multimedia focused on the promotion of inclusive communities and quality supports and services for people with disabilities.  His expertise will also support the creation of a large-scale public awareness campaign and network to build a statewide pipeline into the Direct Support Professional (DSP) workforce and video content to be incorporated into future training for DSPs.

Before joining the team at The Boggs Center, Sean worked for Rutgers Project ECHO as a Program Coordinator working directly with participants and presenters to bridge the virtual gap on various ECHO clinics. Sean also helped manage Rutgers Project ECHO’s website and social media pages. Outside of Rutgers, Sean has experience in television and film, working for Aggregate films and NOVA at WGBH creating non-fiction media.

Sean graduated Summa Cum Laude from Emerson College in December of 2020 with a Bachelor’s degree in Media Arts Production.

Phone: 732-235-2152